Alfred Jodl
(1890 - 1946)
Alfred Josef Ferdinand Jodl (10 May 1890 – 16 October 1946) was a German Generaloberst who served as the Chief of the Operations Staff of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht – the German Armed Force...
Andrei Bobkovski
(1822 - 1886)
lõpetas Pihkva Vaimuliku Seminari 1840
köster Nina koguduses 1840 - 1846
köster Kilingi koguduses 1846 - 2.6.1847
diakon Suure-Jaani koguduses 1847 - 7.12.1851
diakon Põltsamaa koguduses 1851 -...
Uuno Kailas
(1901 - 1933)
Uuno Kailas (29. maaliskuuta 1901 Heinola – 22. maaliskuuta 1933 Nizza, Ranska), alkuperäiseltä nimeltään Frans Uno Salonen, oli suomalainen runoilija ja kirjailija. Kailas tunnetaan parhaiten runokoko...
Henrik Larsson Mustaparta
(c.1500 - 1580)
Pirkkalainen. Oravaisensaari, Tornionjokilaakso.Birkarl. Oravaisensaari, Tornedalen. Heikki Laurinpoika eli Voikolan Heikki (Mustaparta?) Heikki Laurinpoika oli oman aikansa mahtavin ja rikkain birkarl...
Alois Hitler, Sr.
(1837 - 1903)
Alternative birth date?: 07.VI.1837
Alois was born Alois Schicklgruber as his mother was not married when she gave birth to him. Five years after his birth, she married Johann Hiedler. She took ...
Joseph B. Lynn, Jr.
(1691 - 1742)
From the article "Esther KING of Philadelphia & Bucks Counties and her Bowyer, Lynn and Elfreth Children" by Dorothee Hughes Carousso (Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine, 1966, Vol. 24, No. 4):JOSEPH L...
Yehuda ben Yom Tov of Falaise, R"I haZaken - The Elder
(bef.1130 - aft.1155)
Rabbi Yehuda of Paris (c.1130 - c.1155 or much later) married the widow of RIBAM (who died young) See
Augustus II the Strong, King of Poland
(1670 - 1733)
Knight in the Order of the Golden Fleece*August der Starke/August the Strong*August Mocny==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia * Elector of Saxony: Reign 27 April 1694 – 1 February 1733> Predec...
Waudbert VI, count of Lommois
(c.665 - 704)
historical [modern] place name:Lomme, Kingdom of Austrasia [Lomme, Lille, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France] "Austrasia was the original territory of the Frankish tribes prior to their unification under...
Mathilde de Brienne-Eu
(1273 - 1348)
c) [ MATHILDE ([1272/74]-[1348/53]). The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos records that "D. Alonso Guedella" married "D. Mafalda"[1610]. Salazar y Castro asserts that she was "Mathilde de Narbo...
? of Molle
(c.1085 - c.1147)
? OF MOLLE=== The name of the lady treated here cannot be identified from surviving records. It is though likely, though, that she is the daughter of Uchtred of Molle and the mother of Eschina of London
Tengku Permaisuri Che Uteh Mariah Haji Sulaiman
(b. - 1924)
refer to Tengku Permaisuri Che' Uteh Mariah binti Haji Sulaiman, isteri kedua Sultan Perak kedua puluh lapan (1887-1916), Almarhum Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Sultan Idris Mursyidul ‘Adzam Shah me...
María del Carmen Calvo Poyato
Madrid, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain
María del Carmen Calvo Poyato (born 9 June 1957) is a Spanish politician and author who served as Deputy Prime Minister of Spain and Minister of the Presidency from 2018 to 2021.
Born and raised in ...
Cecily d'Aubigny
(1136 - 1166)
concerns Stirnet's "AZmisc01" page does not explicitly mention this Cecily. She probably is the unidentified daughter of William de Albini / d'Aubigny and Adelicia/Adeliza of Louvain mentioned there ( ...
Simon de St. Liz
(aft.1165 - c.1250)
concerns== From Stirnet's "Temp55" page (link below): " Visitation shows this Simon as Simon de St. Liz, Earl of Northampton & Huntingdon (Geni profile: Simon de Senlis III, 8th Earl of Huntingdon, 5th...
Detlavs Brantkalns
(1898 - 1979)
Thomas Staunton
(1374 - 1422)
Wikitree: Katherine FitzSimond (1419)
"According to Rosie Bevan (2020) in her article: "Sharp Practice: An Expose of The Sharpe Pedigree from the 1558 Visitation of Essex",[1] That there is documentat...
David Halevi (Steinberger)
.למנהלים של רבי שלמה זלמן הלוי אב"ד אוסטרא לפי נפתלי אהרון ווקשטיין,חסר כאן דור: אביו היה רבי דוד הלוי. רבי אברהם הלוי הנו סבו
חיים ורצקי
Hendrick Adriaense van den Burghgraeff
(c.1574 - 1612)
Hendrick Adriense van der Burchgraeff (b. Abt. 1575, d. 29 Oct 1612)
Hendrick Adriense van der Burchgraeff was born Abt. 1575 in probably, Leksmone (Lexmond), South Holland, Netherlands, and died 29 ...
Abraham Vanderpool Sr.
(1707 - 1779)
Abraham Vanderpool is known as the "father of the southern Vanderpool's". It was Abraham Vanderpool who ventured from what is now Albany, New York to Washington County, Tennessee - no mean feat in the ...
Aquilla Greer, III
(1785 - 1833)
Alternate birth years: 1765 vs 1779* Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Nov 16 2016, 17:48:43 UTC
Heino Kiik
(1927 - 2013)
Heino Kiik (14. mai 1927 Avinurme vald – 22. veebruar 2013) oli eesti kirjanik.* Heino Kiik 14. V 1927—22. II 2013 * EELK Torma kogudus Personaalraamat Ia. Karro - Liiv (Avinurme), 1885-1939; Viimne ra...
Beata Markusdotter
(c.1564 - c.1624)
Beatan vanhempien sukupuu perustuu seur. lähteisiin:# # Aarno Raittila Karkun Rainion talon sukuhistoria 1500-1600 luvulla 29.10.2014 # #
Adalbert II Longwy, Comte de Haute-Lorraine
(c.1000 - 1048)
(UPPER) NOBILITY.htm:Son of Gerhard/Gerard (d 1045) and Gisela:ADALBERT [Albert] (-killed in battle near Thuin 11 Nov 1048). The Notitiæ Fundationis Monasterii Bosonis-Villæ names (in order) "Adalbertu...
Anne Manners
(1476 - 1526)
Anne St. Leger
Daughter of Sir Thomas St. Leger, KB and Anne of York, Duchess of Exeter
Anne St. Leger was born circa 1476.1 She was the daughter of Sir Thomas St. Leger and Anne Plantagenet, who d...
Simon I de Senlis, Earl of Huntingdon
(c.1046 - c.1111)
Simon I de Senlis (or Senliz), 1st Earl of Northampton and 2nd Earl of Huntingdon jure uxoris (died between 1111 (probably 1111 as this is when his castle at Northampton passed to the crown) and 1113) ...
Narymunt Gleb, prince of Polotsk and Pinsk
(1277 - 1348)
of Korela and Keksholm (Käkisalmi) fortress at Ladoga-Karelia district, Karelia. Baptized Orthodox as name GLEB in 1333. (Wikipedia). Narimantas or Narymunt (he was baptized as GLEB). Born ca. 1277- di...
Pertti Palo
(1934 - 2010)
Pertti Palo (11. marraskuuta 1934 Helsinki – 13. elokuuta 2010 Helsinki) oli suomalainen näyttelijä. Palo esiintyi muun muassa Helsingin kaupunginteatterissa ja Tampereen Teatterissa. Pertti Palo esiin...
(c.1068 - c.1113)
Matilda, "daughter of the King", born around 1061, died perhaps about 1086, or else much later (according to Trevor Foulds's suggestion that she was identical to Matilda d'Aincourt).
Colonel Francis Henry Fries
(1855 - 1931)
Colonel Francis 'Frank' Henry Fries
Find A Grave Memorial ID # 62003205
NCPedia Biography
Colonel Fries' Wikipedia Page
THE brilliant and brainy man whose character and business history for...
Albert Robitschek
(1913 - d.)
Birth record: 1547 PLZEŇ (o. Plzeň) N 1901-1915 (i v letech 1908-1915 pro každý rok) (200/241)
Paavali Pelkonen
(1626 - 1715)
Paavali Matinpoika Pelkonen syntyi vuonna 1626 Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla Lumijoella . Hänen isänsä oli Lumijoella asuva talollinen Matts Simonpoika Pelkonen .
Perimätiedon mukaan hän muutti 1640-luvulla Lap...
Aelia Marcia Euphemia
(c.430 - 472)
Euphemia was the only known daughter of Marcian, Byzantine Emperor. The identity of her mother is unknown.[1][2][3] Her stepmother was Pulcheria, second wife of her father. Pulcheria had taken a religi...
Rørik "Slængeborræ" Halfdansson, "slaunvanbauga"
(c.629 - c.700)
Then [king] Rorik ... set up Orwendel and Feng as rulers in Jutland. The king gave Orwendel his sister, for the good work he'd done. With her he had a son called Amblothe. Then Feng killed Orwendel out...
Childébert "the Catholic", I, King of the Franks
(c.497 - 558)
CHLODOVECH [Clovis] ([464/67]-Paris [27 Nov] 511, bur Paris, basilique des Saints-Apôtres [later église de Sainte-Geneviève]). m [secondly] (492) CHROTECHILDIS [Clotilde/Rotilde[48]] of Burgundy, daugh...
George Sand (Aurore Dupin)
(1804 - 1876)
[English Translation follows] George Sand est le pseudonyme d'Amantine Aurore Lucile Dupin, romancière et écrivain français, plus tard baronne Dudevant, née à Paris (anciennement au n° 15 de la rue Mes...
Pekka Juhani Heikinpoika Hannikainen
(1854 - 1924)
Musiikin lehtori, säveltäjä, runoilja.
Ylioppiskunnan laulajien perustaja
Kotoisin: Lehtovaara, Nurmes.
Syntymä / Birth / Рождение:
Nurmeksen evankelisluterilainen seurakunta, synty...
Grace Slick
Grace Slick (born Grace Barnett Wing; October 30, 1939) is an American singer and songwriter, who was one of the lead singers of the rock groups The Great Society, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Stars...
Érimón mac Míl Espáine, 2nd High King of Ireland {Legendary}
(c.-1750 - -1683)
Érimón, son of Míl Espáine, according to medieval Irish legends and historical traditions, was one of the chieftains who took part in the Milesian invasion of Ireland, which conquered the island from t...
Pietro Pollina
(1785 - 1867)
John Parker
(c.1700 - bef.1760)
John Parker (died November 1760 in Hampshire County) left a will naming his wife as only "Elizabeth" and Grandson Thomas Parker to share with his other children. A 12 June 1765 Hampshire Co., VA. deed ...
Avraham Altschuler
Moshe Porat Ben Yehiel Treves Ashkenazi
(c.1150 - 1230)
Dear Yigal,Asher אשר Klein קליין has sent you a message (May 31, 2011): Moshe Ashkenazi (son of Jechiel Ashkenazi) died in Paris France.Children of Moshe Ashkenazi are: +Joseph Ashkenazi Treves, b. 130...
Iye Roy Mackay, 10th of Strathnaver
(1435 - 1517)
X. Iye Roy 1486-1517.
SOON after the slaughter of Angus Roy at Tarbet, the Mackays under the command of John Riavach Mackay and William Du mac Ean Aberieh, the latter chieftain of the Aberach Mackays...
Siegfried Bernkopf
(1879 - 1954)
Agafia ("Ogoi") Iljantytär Määränen
(1858 - 1940)
Runonlaulaja, tiedoiniekka, parantaja. Ogoi Meäränen, "Jermeinakka" Syntymä / Birth / Рождение: Suojärven ortodoksinen seurakunta, metrikkakirjat, syntyneet v. 1858: Suojärvi Orthodox Parish, metrics b...
John Case, of Simsbury
(1616 - 1704)
Seen as son of William Case, Sr.
Seen as son of Solomon Case, of Aylesham
The origins of John Case are unknown. Published family histories confuse and combine facts of his origin story with those ...
Sir Robert Douglas of Lochleven
(c.1451 - 1526)
Eduard Leppik
(1924 - 2008)
Eduard Leppik (11. okt 1924 - 19. mai 2008) töötas Väike-Maarja Keskkoolis eesti keele ja kirjanduse õpetajana 1952-1978. Õpetajana töötades tegeles kohaliku murde ja kultuuriloo uurimisega ning esemel...
Peeter Johannes Lepp
(1895 - 1955)
Peeter Lepp on pärit Tartumaalt Uderna vallast. Sõjamehe teed alustas 1915-1917 nekrutina Vene-Tsaariarmees. Edasine teenistus jätkus 1918 ratsaluurerühma komandörina, osavõtuga sõjakäikudest Saksa väg...
Tun Isap Misai "Bendahara Sri Raja Tua" bin Tun Mahmud
(b. - c.1571)
1. Tun Isap Masai bin Bendahara Tun Nara Wangsa [Dato' Bendahara Tua], Bendahara Sri Maharaja. m. (first) a daughter of Tun Umar, Sri Petam, of Rembat. m. (second) Tun Hidap binti Dato' Bendahara Johor...
Barnard Knott
(c.1570 - 1629)
Known dates and logical derived dates are bold font.
Barnard Knott (son of James Knott and Elinora [not Collins]) was born in Witnesham, Suffolk, England, and died date unknown in Witnesham, Suffolk, E...
Grand Rabbi Yisroel Aryeh Margulies, Admur Premishlan-London
(1892 - 1955)
G15.4 R. Israel Aryey Leib Margulies, Admur Przemyslany, born in Przemyslany in 1892 and died in East Finchley, London on January 18, 1955, married Pesha (Peszy), daughter of R. Isaac Babad of Tartakow...
Edward Dudley, of Bristol & Virginia
(1602 - 1656)
Edward Dudley was born 06 FEB [1605] in [Northampton, England], and died 06 FEB 1655 in Lancaster, VA. He was the son of 2. Robert Dudley Jr. and 3. Bridget Green. He married Elizabeth Pritchard 1626 i...
Princess Olga Valerianovna Paley, Princess
(1865 - 1929)
Рождение - Карнович камер/ю Валериан Гаврилович Мессарош Ольга Васильевна Ольга 19-124-925-2 5 1865 Исаак.соб 02.12.64
РОДИЛАСЬ НЕ В 1865, А В 1864 ГОДУ (см. источник).
Princess Olga Val...
Heinrich Tammemets ← Moorlat
(1922 - 1944)
Nime eestistamine
Otsus 04.01.1938 Narva
sünd: Saaga EAA.1221.1.313:82?842,423,217,97,0
PR Narva Aleksandri 1888-1939 Saaga EAA.1221.1.329:103?584,1567,178,67,0
Ramon Christopher
Ramon Christopher Gutierrez is a Filipino actor.
Bertha de Bar-le-Duc
(1015 - 1075)
Kateryn Whyte
(c.1480 - 1560)
Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Sep 9 2018, 11:56:34 UTC
Saleechie Salitsi Colbert
(c.1764 - 1846)
3. SALITSI DOUBLEHEAD was born in the middle of the 18th century and died February 1, 1846, in Oklahoma. She was also reported to have married to the Chickasaw COLONEL GEORGE COLBERT. Info to add:Chief...
 Anglo-Saxon Archaeology ... "King Alfred and King Ceolwulf II" ... http://anglosaxon.archeurope.info/index.php?page=king-alfred-and-king-ceolwulf-ii
Ceolwulf II, king of Mercia
(b. - c.879)
Ceolwulf II, King of Mercia (1)
M, #150370, d. before 883
Last Edited=27 Nov 2005
Consanguinity Index=0.39%
Ceolwulf II, King of Mercia was the son of Æflæd (?) and Wigmund (?). (2)
He died befo...
Oberstleitnant Toomas Joerist
(1677 - 1750)
Thomas Jörist
Thomas Jörist (1677 Lokso küla, Kadrina kihelkond – 1750 Piiumetsa mõis) oli eesti ohvitser, kes teenis Põhjasõja ajal Rootsi sõjaväes.
Eesti päritolu ohvitser Põhjasõjas.
Elizabeth Wentworth
(1543 - 1573)
Not a known wife of Edward Norman
John Wentworth, b 1564, was the only son of Sir John Wentworth of Horkesley and Gosfield by his 1st w. Elizabeth, da. of Sir Christopher Heydon.
Dreizel (Therese) Bunim-Meisels
(c.1551 - 1601)
Rabbi Simcha & Dreizel Meisels
Meisels Family Genealogy
Wife of Rabbi Simcha Bunim Meiseles (d.9 Adar 1624), died 2 Tevet 5362 = 26/12/1601 -
Mary Gilbert, Free Settler "Roxburgh Castle" 1839
(1793 - 1883)
Carl Ludwig Nietzsche
(1813 - 1849)
Ludwig Nietzsche (10 October 1813 in Eilenburg, Kingdom of Saxony - 30 July 1849 in Röcken, Province of Saxony) was a German Lutheran pastor and the father of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.Carl L...
Willem van der Vyfer, SV/PROG
(1691 - bef.1762)
Judi Marais-Meyer register MRIN 662
Eie boedel en inventaris MOOC8/10.30a & b 27/7/1762 en 9/8/1762
Hy laat sy vrou en 3 kinders uit sy 2de huwelik met Maria Vivier en 1 kleinkind van sy dogter uit s...
Temuera Derek Morrison
Temuera Derek Morrison (born December 26, 1960) is a New Zealand actor. He has become one of the country's most famous stars for his roles as the abusive Jake "the Muss" Heke in 1994's Once Were Warrio...
Quanah Parker, Comanche Chief
(1845 - 1911)
There is a great deal to read in here. WONDERFUL WORK HERE. Quanah Parker (Comanche kwana, "smell, odor" or "fragrant") The Comanche Nation I'm adding this at the top because it shouldn't be missed!
I ...
Jacques De la Porte, SV/PROG
(c.1678 - 1739)
Delporte reached the Cape in 1699 with his wife, Sara Vitout, whom he married, presumably at Veere, in October 1698 shortly before embarking on the Cattendijk. Their eldest child Marie must be the chil...
Sulevi Peltola
(1946 - 2025)
Sulevi Antero Peltola (07. joulukuuta 1946 Viljakkala – 28. tammikuu 2025 ) oli suomalainen näyttelijä. Hän valmistui vuonna 1968 Suomen Teatterikoulun näyttelijäkurssilta ja toimi sen jälkeen muun mu...
Sir Henry ll de Hastings, of Ashill
(1235 - 1269)
Henry de Hastings (c. 1235 – c. 1269) was created Baron in 1264 by Simon de Montfort.
From Wikipedia
He led the Londoners at the Battle of Lewes, where he was taken prisoner, and fought at the Batt...
Vratislaus II, king of Bohemia
(aft.1032 - 1092)
Links:==* Holbek * Wikipedia * Duke of Bohemia reign: 1061–1085> Predecessor: Spytihněv II Successor: Him self as King Title next held by Conrad I
Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaieva
(1892 - 1941)
One of the greatest Russian Poets in the 20th century
Barbary Smith
(aft.1579 - 1624)
View Tree for Barbary MumfordeBarbary Mumforde (b. 1579, d. 1624) Barbary Mumforde (daughter of Edward Mumfo...
Mathilde de Saint-Omer
(1115 - 1169)
MATHILDE de Saint-Omer ===From Medlands:=== [1145]). The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium names (in order) "Mathildis…Eufemia…Gisla de Monasteriolo…Luchgardis et Beatrix" as the five daughters of "Willelmu...
Fulk, count of Agoulême
(1015 - bef.1089)
Guillaume I "Taillefer", count of Angoulême
(c.895 - 962)
He was a minor at his father's death, but nevertheless succeeded as Count of Angoulême.
Admiral Robert de Morley, 2nd Baron Morley
(c.1295 - 1360)
brief biography and family heir of his maternal uncle Robert, 1st Baron Montalt
(mentioned multiple instances therein as "Robert de Morley" and "Robert Morley")
(membership required in orde...
Maria de Herede
(1570 - d.)
Seu nome era Maria de Herede, apesar de alguns blogs a ela se referir como Maria de Herédia.Fonte: Primeira Visitação do Santo Ofício às Partes do Brasil - Livro das Denunciações de Pernambuco 1593-159...
Hans Platz
(c.1570 - 1620)
Hans Platz´s origin is not known. Do not connect speculative parents, without new source information.
Hans Platzin vanhemmista ei ole mitää lähdetietoja, hänen syntymäpaikkaansa ei varmuudella edes ti...
William Cunynghame of Kilmaurs, Earl of Carrick
(c.1330 - c.1396)
Sir William Cunningham, Earl of Carrick, Sheriff of Ayr1,2,3,4,5* M, #39750, d. between December 1396 and July 1399*Father Hugh Cunningham6 d. a 4 Jul 1328* Sir William Cunningham, Earl of Carrick, She...
Hermann, count of Arnsberg-Werl
(940 - c.985)
[I] (-[985/86]) . According to Europäische Stammtafeln[2963], Hermann [I] was the possible son of Graf Heinrich but the basis for this speculation is not known. "Otto…rex" confirmed the foundation by "...
Aethelbert, king of Wessex, Essex & Kent
(c.835 - 865)
Æthelberht of WessexFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Æthelbert of Wessex)Jump to: navigation, searchÆthelberhtKing of WessexReign 860–865Born c 836Birthplace Wessex, EnglandDie...
Geoffrey Talbot, of Swanscombe
(c.1075 - 1130)
Lineage of the Talbot family from Le Sire Talebot 1066 to and including Peter Talbot of Dorchester, and Roger Talbot of Boston, Massachusetts by Talbot, Archie Lee, 1846- [from old catalog...
Isaac Stern
(1920 - 2001)
Isaac Stern (21 July 1920 – 22 September 2001) was an American violinist.* From , accessed 7 February 2019.
Nicholas Leventhorpe, of Yorkshire and Essex
(1445 - bef.1500)
Not the same as Nicholas Leventhorpe, Esq.
Nicholas Leventhorpe was born circa 1445 Bradford, West Riding, Yorkshire, England. He died before 23 November 1500 in Bradford, West Riding, Yorkshire, En...
Sir Lawrence Cheney, Escheator of Bedford & Buckingham
(1396 - 1461)
From Jorge Castillo's Tudor Place:
'Lawrence CHENEY (Sir)
'Born: 1396, Fen Ditton, Cambridgeshire, England
'Died: 30 Dec 1461
'Buried: Priory, Barnwell, England
'Notes: Esch...
Ramon Berenguer I el Vell, comte de Barcelona
(1023 - 1076)
Berenguer I, (1023-1076) llamado el Vell (el viejo, según algunas traducciones) hijo de Berenguer Ramón I, fue Conde de Barcelona y Gerona (1035-1076) y de Osona (1054-1076).Tabla de contenidos 1 La cr...
Aethelbald, king of Wessex
(c.834 - 860)
Æthelbald of WessexFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaÆthelbaldKing of WessexAethelbald.jpgReign 856 - 20 December 860Born 834[1]Birthplace Wessex, EnglandDied December 20, 860Place of death Wes...
æg, Whitlæg, Wighlek, Wiglecus, Wiglek, Witlac[1] or Viglek[2] is a legendary king of either Denmark or Angeln in Germanic legends.[dubious – discuss] He is known in Saxo's kings of Denmark by the name...
Creoda, king of Mercia
(c.521 - c.593)
Creoda (or Crida) (c. 540 [1] - 593) was the first monarch of Mercia (584 - 593).Creoda is recorded as having been the son of Cynewald, the grandson of Cnebba, and the great-grandson of Icel; consequen...
Elizabeth Ann Pintox - Palmer - Ryan
(1806 - 1883)
NSW Death Certificate
Elizabeth Ann RYAN
died 22 March 1883 Upper McDonald River,
Age 79
born Pitt Town
Father Joseph BUTLER
Mother Mary Ann ?
Spouse - ? RYAN
informant - daughter Elizabeth BAILEY
Marko Matvere
Tallinn, Harjumaa
Marko Matvere (sündinud 4. veebruaril 1968 Pärnus) on eesti näitleja, laulja ja lavastaja.
Brita Matintytär Väisänen
(1642 - 1710)
Rovasti Koivisto on kirjannut Lauri Laurinpoika Tauriaiselle vaimoksi Brita Matintyttären.
Tätä Britaa ei ole löytynyt mistään arkistolähteestä. On vain ainoastaan maininta Rovasti Erkki Koiviston tutk...
Eva de Braose, Lady Abergavenny
(c.1228 - 1255)
Not the same as Eva de Broase
See Peter Bartrum, (April 11, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Biography Eva de Braose ( fl. 1238–July 1255) was one of the four co-heiresses of William de Braose. She w...
Gene Stratton-Porter
(1863 - 1924)
Biography== Gene Stratton-Porter was born on August 17, 1863 in Lagro, Wabash County, Indiana, United States. Her parents were Rev. Mark Stratton and Mary Stratton (Shallenberger) . She was a author, n...
John Gordon, of Scurdargue
(c.1375 - c.1440)
John Gordon1*M, #66479*Father Sir John Gordon1 d. bt 30 May 1391 - 11 Oct 1395*Mother Elizabeth Cruickshanks1* John Gordon married Hamiltone (Hanault) McLeod DID NOT MARRY.2,1 John Gordon was born at o...
Walter Comyn, Lord of Badenoch
(1190 - 1258)
Walter Comyn, Lord of Badenoch, jure uxoris Earl of Menteith (died 1258) was the son of William Comyn, Justiciar of Scotia and Mormaer or Earl of Buchan by right of his second wife.
Walter makes his f...
Rabbi Klonimus Kalman Halevi Epstein, Ma'or Vashemesh
(1751 - 1823)
Death Krakow 1823 №158 Died in the house №103 of Luxemburg family.
(note: seems to be for Kalman Aron and his son was Ahron, so this 1823 is questionably someone else, also that document lists him a...