Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Lumijoki, hautamuistomerkit

    Tervetuloa Lumijoen hautamuistomerkkien sukututkimusprojektiin! Kaikki kiinnostuneet ja sukua löytäneet voivat liittyä yhteistyökumppaneiksi ja liittää profiileita, valokuvia, dokumentteja ynm. tietoa projektiin alla olevassa Hautamuistomerkki -luettelossa esiintyvistä. Arkisto Lumijoen seurakunnan rippikirjat, tilikirjat ja historiakirjat alkavat kaikki vuodesta 1902. Seurakunnan koko ki...

  • Suomalaiset teollisuusneuvokset

    Teollisuusneuvos - Industriråd===Projektin tarkoitus on kerätä Suomessa teollisuusneuvoksen arvonimen saaneiden henkilöiden profiilit yhteen. Teollisuusneuvos on Suomessa myös valtionhallinnossa esiintyvä virkanimike. Sen haltijoita ei liitetä tähän projektiin.Projektikuvana on ylitarkastaja Lauri Kuoppamäki , joka oli teollisuusneuvoksen arvonimen ensimmäinen haltija v. 1930.

  • Kylä Sävi, Suodenniemi

    Projekti aloitettu 6.2.2022. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Sävi Wikipedia Suodenniemen kylät Jalkavala I Kiikoinen I Kittilä I Koivuniemi I Kouraniemi I Lahdenperä I Leppälammi I Makkoinen I Pajuniemi I Peräkunta I Pohjakylä I Pyykoski I Suodenniemi I I Sävi I Taipale

  • Nicholas County, West Virginia, USA

    This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of West Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county. Nicholas County is a county located in the central region of U.S. state of West Virginia. As of the 2020 census, the population was 24,604. Its county seat is Summersville. The county was created in 1818 by the Vir...

  • 2016-2025: COVID Babies (GenBeta)

    Not to be mistaken, but the young tweens and teens are GenAlpha people at this period experienced quarantine for COVID-19. There may be some social aspects, such as antisocial behaviors for some young pre-school through second grade; but not as strong as the tweens and teens of GenAlpha. Thus,GenAlpha could also be named as COVID-Kids (9-18). GenZ were in college, thus 18-25. COVID Babies are ...

  • SONGS and Singers from my childhood

    All singers we remember from our childhood Dinah Washington Enrico CARUSO 1873-1921 Etta James Eleanora Fagan --Billie Holiday Sir Noël Peirce Coward

  • Pulchri Studio ∙ since 1847 ∙ 's-Gravenhage

    Pulchri Studio ∙ since 1847 ∙ 's-Gravenhage . . . . . bronnen informatie documentatie illustraties etceteraa... …aanvulling WELKOM! . . . ACTORES Jacob HARTOG-prijs ∙ laureaten 1952-heden 1968 : Reindert Juurt 'Jan' DRAIJER ∙ 1899-1986 ∙ Van OMMEREN de VOOGT-prijs ∙ laureaten 18xx-heden . . Jacob MARIS-prijs ∙ laureaten 19xx-1969 —1947— schilderkun...

  • Memoriaal Eesti kommunismiohvritele 1940-1991

    PROJEKTI EESMÄRK Projekti eesmärk on siduda Eesti kommunismiohvrite memoriaali mälestusseinale kantud nimed nende Geni profiilidega, st reaalsete inimestega. Seega on sellel projektil küll olemas teatud ühisosa ja osaline kattuvus teiste sarnaste projektidega, kuid erinevuseks (ja projekti olemasolu õigustuseks) on selle projekti isikute ringi seos konkreetse memoriaali ja selle tingimustega. ...

  • Memorial: USSR political terror victims

    ❢IMPORTANT❢==Do not start adding random people to this project. It helps nobody and will quickly turn it into some sort of flame-war regarding who belongs and who doesn't. Please read the goal of the project below. After you understand what the project is about and you want to add relevant people, please make sure that you inform Volodya Mozhenkov , so that profiles are not duplicated.==About==...

  • Architects

    Architects=* List of Architects An architect is a person trained in the planning, design and oversight of the construction of buildings. To practice architecture means to offer or render services in connection with the design and construction of a building, or group of buildings and the space within the site surrounding the buildings, that have as their principal purpose human occupancy or use....

  • Punkaharju

    Punkaharjun paikkakuntaprojekti Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja lisätä Punkaharjun kunnassa asuneiden, eläneiden ja kuolleiden henkilöiden profiileja. Toivotaan, että profiilit liitettäisiin samalla Savo- ja Suomi ja Karjala -projekteihin Punkaharju Esittelyosa Tämä paikkakuntaprojekti on vielä kesken... Punkaharju Wikipediassa Linkit alueen paikkakuntien paikkakuntaprojekteihin Pohjois-...

  • Reval-Tallinn, Harju County, Estonia

    Start 8.4.2018. Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja lisätä Reval-Tallinnassa asuneiden henkilöiden profiileja. Tallinn eesti Tallinna suomeksi Tallinn Tallinn in English Tallinn auf deutsch: Narva I Tallinn-Reval I Tartto I Riga I Daugavpils I

  • Kylä Sammaljoki ja Rautaniemi,Tyrvää, Satakunta, Sastamala, Pirkanmaa

    Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja liittää profiilit Tyrvään Sammaljoella ja Rautaniemessä asuneista henkilöistä. Sammaljoki on kylä ja entinen rukoushuonekunta Sastamalan kaupungin eteläosassa Lounais-Pirkanmaalla. Kylä sijaitsee kaupungin etelärajalla rajoittuen Punkalaitumen ja Urjalan kuntiin. Sammaljoen naapurikylät ovat Vammalan alueella idässä Rautaniemi, pohjoisessa Kaltsila, Ekojärvi ja...

  • Byzantine Emperors

    Byzantine Emperors & Empressess . This is a list of the emperors of the East Roman or Byzantine Empire . All Byzantine Emperors regarded themselves as Roman Emperors, the term "Byzantine" being coined firstly by Western historiography much later, in the 16th century. Although the barbarian West recognized the Eastern Empire's claim to the Roman legacy for several centuries, on 25 December 8...

  • Calhoun County, West Virginia, USA

    This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of West Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county. The county was founded in 1856 and named for South Carolina politician John C. Calhoun. Cemeteries Cemeteries of West Virginia Links Wikipedia

  • South African World War II PARTICIPANTS

    ='''This is the sub-project where all profiles of South Africans who participated during World War II can be added.'''= All South African Army, Navy and Air Force soldiers who participated in WWII can be added to this project. Sub-projects for more specialised interests will be added when possible. Collaborators are welcome, and so are suggestions. Under "DOCUMENTS" you will find pages ...

  • Suomen Vapaakirkko

    Ryhmään voi lisätä vapaakirkollisia vaikuttajia, lähetystyöntekijöitä, pastoreita ja muita aktiiveja, jotka ovat vaikuttaneet Suomen Vapaakirkon syntyyn ja sen elämään.

  • Philippine Heritage Homes

    This project aims to list an inventory of Filipino ancestral houses all over the archipelago, to identify their prominent owners and occupants and to provide external links to maps and imagery. View the complete map . Find similar projects at the master project page, Families of the Philippines . Image: The ancestral home of Emilio Aguinaldo, the first president of the Republic of the Philip...

  • World War I (1914-1918): New Zealand Armed Forces

    World War I (WWI, WW1, the First World War, the Great War) was a global war originating in Europe and lasting from 1914 to 1918. When the United Kingdom declared war on Germany at the start of the First World War, the New Zealand government followed without hesitation, despite its geographic isolation and small population. It was believed at the time that any declaration of war by the United K...

  • CWGC: Chunuk Bair New Zealand Memorial, Turkey

    Cemetery Name: Chunuk Bair New Zealand Memorial Cemetery Location: Turkey NZ Casualties: 850 Total Known Casualties: 850 Location Information: The Anzac and Suvla cemeteries are first signposted from the left hand junction of the Eceabat- Bigali road. From this junction travel into the main Anzac area where you will encounter a right hand turn at 7.6kms. Follow this road for a further...

  • CWGC: Caterpillar Valley New Zealand Memorial, France

    Cemetery Name: Caterpillar Valley New Zealand Memorial Cemetery Location: Somme, France NZ Casualties: 1205 Total Known Casualties: 1205 Image Right Courtesy of CWGC Location Information: Longueval is a village approximately 13 kilometres east of Albert and 10 kilometres south of Bapaume. The Memorial is situated on a terrace in Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, which lies a short dista...

  • Kylä Kytösyrjä, Impilahti

    Takaisin Paikkakunta Impilahti-projektin pääsivulle Tämä projekti on Impilahden Kytösyrjän kylän kyläprojekti. Projekti sisältää kylän asutusluetteloita, tarinoita ja valokuvia, linkkeineen sukupuuhun. Kyläprojekti kehittyy ja täydentyy jatkuvasti

  • Locality Toijala, Finland

    A former town in Finland, established in 1946 from Akaa and merged on 1 January 2007 with Viiala , the new town being named also as Akaa .Between 1946 and 1997 Toijala was part of the Province of Häme ( Hämeen lääni in Finnish, Tavastehus län in Swedish), and between 1997 and 2007 part of the Province of Western Finland ( Länsi-Suomen lääni in Finnish, Västra Finlands län in Swedish).*

  • Cuyahoga County, Ohio

    Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Cuyahoga County was originally part of the French colony of Canada (New France), which was ceded in 1763 to Great Britain and renamed Province of Quebec. In the late 18th century the land became part of the Connecticut Western Reserve in the Northwest Territory, then was purchased by the Connecticut Land Compa...

  • DNA England

    Please relate and index England-based DNA projects here. England DNA Projects (alphabetically) DNA evidence for John Davis of Acton Turville References Wikipedia contributors, "Genetic history of the British Isles," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed February 14, 2024). “How European are YOU? Gene research suggests 60% of DNA in a ‘typical’ Brit come from continental an...

2601-2625 of 72513 projects