Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Hampshire County, Massachusetts. Official Website Hampshire County was constituted in 1662 from previously unorganized territory comprising the entire western part of Massachusetts Bay Colony. The county is named after the county Hampshire, in England. Adjacent Counties Franklin County Berkshire County Hampden County Worc...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Official Website The county was created on February 21, 1810, from parts of Lycoming and Luzerne counties. Originally called Ontario County, it was reorganized and separated from Lycoming County on October 13, 1812, and renamed Bradford County for William Bradford, who had been a chief justice of the P...
World War II (WWII, WW2, the Second World War) was a global war lasting from 1939 to 1945. Profiles of New Zealand Servicemen and women, including casualties, Prisoners of War (POWs) and survivors, may be added to this project. Casualties should also be added to the World War II (1939-1945): New Zealand Roll of Honour project. World War II (1939-1945): New Zealand Prisoners of War Char...
Laatre kalmistu on asutatud tõenäoliselt samal ajal kui Sangaste kalmistu, peale Katariina II ukaasi kirikuaedadesse matmise keelustamise kohta 1772. aastal. Kalmistut on laiendatud 1872. aastal ning 1920ndatel. Laatre – Õruste tee ääres paikneva, kasutuses oleva kalmistu piire tähistab kõrghaljastus, madal muldvall ning maakivikuhjatis. Kabel on 6 x 8 m põhjaga puitehitis, millel viilkatus ja ...
Welcome to the Venjoki project! Please join if any of your ancestors are from Venjoki. Villages of Venjoki: Anttila, Glaasova, Haapasaari, Haikkola, Hampaala, Hietakylä, Humalasaari (Hynnisi), Huuhka, Hyvösi, Hällölä, Häyhäsi, Hörkkölä, Jäniskylä, Kaakkala, Kapasi, Kaskisaari, Kekälekylä, Kelola (Jurkina), Kiiskilä, Kivola, Kokkola, Kommola, Koprala, Korhosi, Korkanmäki, Korkeamaa, Kouru (Kots...
The Cementerio de San Justo, also known as Sacramental de San Justo, located in Madrid, Spain, is a cemetery near the Cementerio de San Isidro, which was originally called San Pedro and San Andrés. It is located between the Paseo de la Ermita del Santo and the Vía Carpetana, in the Carabanchel district. Its entrance is at number 70 of the aforementioned promenade of the Ermita del Santo. Wiki...
POPISNA KNJIGA OKRUG JAGODINSKI, SREZ LEVAČKI 1863 GOD. Mesto: POLJNA 1. Jovan Miljković , zemljedjelac, star 43 g., žena Savva 40 g., sinovi Miloš 12 g., Ilija 10 g., Nikodije 1 g., kćer Milosava 5 g. Nepokretno imanje: jedna kuća od slabog materijala s placom od 1/2 ralice. Jedna njiva od 2 1/2 dana. Jedan šljivak od 1 ralice. Jedan vinograd od 3 motike. Jedna oranica od 1 dana svega 32 duk...
=About the Irish Portal=Portal for people who are interested in Irish genealogy.The aim of this portal is to make this a very useful tool for research, and a place to meet other people tracing their Irish ancestors=='''What can you do here?'''==* '''Ask questions.'''* '''Collaborate on your research.'''* '''Share knowledge you have gained as you've done your own research in a specific area. '''...
This is a village project of Parkkarila in old locality Lappee (now part of the Lappeenranta). Purpose of the project is to collect all the people profiles born, lived or died in this village.Join also larger projects and surrounding locality projects: == Suomi ja Karjala ===== Karjala ===* Lappeenranta * Lauritsala * Nuijamaa * Ylämaa * Joutseno * Vahviala
Vabadusvõitlejate Ühingu aktivistid (Eestis ja välismaal) See projekt on lisatud kuna paljud ennast vabadusvõitlejateks nimetanud ja pidanud isikud ei kvalifitseeru vabadusvõitlejateks... Organisatsioonid millede kõik endised ja praegused liikmed kuuluvad just siia projekti: Ülemaailmne Eesti Vabadusvõitlejate Keskus (Kanadas), ÜEVK; World Legion of Estonian Liberation - Eesti Vabadusvõitle...
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. 'Projekt "Hageri kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. Asukoht kaardil: Hageri kalmistu, Hageri alevik, Kohila vald, Rapla maakond '* ]]]]
Prince of Wales Ship: 582 tons Captain: Alexander Alexander Surgeon Superintendent: Matthew Doyle Kearns Sailed London 2nd September 1842 - arrived Nelson 31st December 1842Captain Alexander, and landed 203 immigrants, the voyage occupying 110 days - a very good passage for a vessel of 582 tons. During this year no less than nineteen ships, nearly all bearing passengers, arrived at Nelson. Cabi...
Geni Start Here Basics Basic help for new users, and those who lose their way. Including best practice standards and links to Geni help, conveniently listed. Add images to the "about box", format the page with simple code, resource links and more... Habits are hard to break and hopefully this area will be able to assist in creating, or correcting the best practices to use Geni. We are all co...
Whenua Tapu Cemetery is located on State Highway 1 between Plimmerton and Pukerua Bay.
World War II (WWII, WW2, the Second World War) was a global war lasting from 1939 to 1945.Profiles of English servicemen and women, including casualties, Prisoners of War (POWs) and survivors, may be added to this project.
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Muskegon County, Michigan. Official Website Muskegon County was organized in 1859. Its name is from the Muskegon River, which runs through it and empties into Muskegon Lake and subsequently flows into Lake Michigan. The word "Muskegon" comes from the Ojibwa/Chippewa word mashkig, meaning "marsh" or "swamp". Adjacent Counties Ken...
This project aim is to create a genealogical data of the local candidates for the local election for the year 2025. Mayor Bill Buquid Enric Dancalan Domingo Zorilla Jr. Vice Mayor Victorio Ramos Diosdado Zorilla Municipal Councilors Nicasio Almasco, Jr. Dominici Batacan
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. Projekt "Pilistvere kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. Kultuurimälestise Riikliku Registri registrikanne vt. registrist ka kaasnevaid fotosid. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
This project is intended to gather and note Lithuanian scientists. Scientist is a researcher who has an academic doctor title. The starting point may be Wikipedia list of Lithuanian scientists and Universal Lithuanian encyclopedia (in Lithuanian) .Only public profiles may be added to this project.Please add informaction about scientists to the "About" biographical section of a profile.
Boston University (most commonly referred to as BU or otherwise known as Boston U. ) is a private research university located in Boston, Massachusetts. The university is nonsectarian, but is historically affiliated with the United Methodist Church.The university has more than 3,800 faculty members and 33,000 students, and is one of Boston's largest employers. It offers bachelor's degrees, maste...
A depository of profiles of the Skipper/Skipworth family in hopes of making connections. Especially targeting Skippers/Skipworths from Virginia, NC, SC and their migration west in the US. Many have Native American connections and we want to ensure those are noted.Skipper profile study: N.N.