This project is a beginning introduction study of knights in genealogy. The mission is to help form a foundation of such membership and understanding of the family lines source for below: A knight is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a monarch or other political leader for service to the monarch or country, especially in a military capacity. Historically, in Europe, knighthood...
Rozpoczynam dzisiaj projekt Rodzina Aleksandrowicz, aby zebrać w jednym miejscu wszystkie informacje o rodzinie. Zapraszam do współpracy całą swoją znaną mi, i nie znaną rodzinę. Chętnie również będę gościł wszystkie osoby chętne do współpracy i posiadające informacje przydatne przy badaniach. Zapraszam również wszystkie osoby zainteresowane tym projektem. Uprzejmie proszę o dzielenie się uwaga...
This Project includes important persons who are buried in the "Petri Dom" in Bremen.
The term "Ancient Planter" is applied to those persons who arrived in Virginia before 1616, remained for a period of three years, and paid their passage. They received the first patents of land in the new world as authorized by Sir Thomas Dale in 1618 for their personal adventure. Sub-projects Jordan Family Reynolds Family Primary source Wikipedia: Additional useful sites -- ...
"A Independência do Brasil" - Participantes e seus descendentes.APRESENTAÇÃOA “GUARDA DE HONRA” de D. Pedro I, é anterior à INDEPENDÊNCIA. Surgiu da necessidade de proteger a pessoa do Príncipe Regente, de garantir sua liberdade de ação e prestigiar sua autoridade contra pressões, incidiosas ou violentas, que aqui e na Europa ameaçavam cassar as conquistas já obtidas pelo Brasil, com o intuito ...
Projekti aloitettu 4.2.2022. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Maanmittaushallituksen paikkatieto Veneskoski Veneskoski Wikipedia Veneskosken kylän kotisivut Kankaanpään kylät Ala-Honkajoki I Jämiänkeidas I Kankaanpää I Karhoismaja I Korvaluoma I Kyynärjärvi I
Før år 960 bestod Danmark av noen småkongeriker. Først i 960 ble hele Danmark samlet under en konge Harald Blåtand (Harald Blåtand) (history of Denmark) . Danmark var da delt i flere syssel . I hvert syssel var det en jarl som styrte (jarler) . Jarledømme Jellingstenene forteller oss noe om Danmarks historie mellom 960 og 985. Hva har dette å gjøre med slektsgransking: Danmarks historie kommer ...
Tämä on Kylä Saarivaara, Tuupovaara kyläprojekti.
Har startet dette prosjektet for å lettere kunne finne tilbake til alle mine kusiner og fettere som lever i dag. Have started this project in order to more easily find back to all my cousins who lives today. --- An overview of other Danish projects can be found here:
Orust municipality, Bohuslän, Sweden=THIS INFORMATION TEXT IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION: THE PROJECT WAS STARTED 2021-09-22Orusts kommun är en kommun i Västra Götalands län, (i före detta Göteborgs och Bohus län). Centralort är Henån. Kommunens område motsvarar socknarna * Gullholmen, * Käringön, * Långelanda, * Mollösund, * Morlanda (del av), * Myckleby, * Röra, * Stala, * Tegneby och * Torp.Tätorter...
Hofors municipality=THE TEXT WILL BE TRANSLATED LATER; THE PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION är en kommun i Gävleborgs län. Centralort är tätorten Hofors. Under många århundraden var Hofors en utpräglad bruksbygd, och Gästriklands bergslag hade sin verksamhet i kommunen. Kommunens område motsvarar Torsåkers socken Fram till 2016 var kommunen uppdelad i:* Hofors församling, * Torsåkers församling. Från...
Tämä projekti on Viipurin pitäjän, myöhemmin Viipurin maalaiskunnan Nuoraan kylän kyläprojekti. Perustettu 5.9.2019 / Toni NäppiNuoraa eli Sokolinskoje (ven. Соколи́нское) on maaseututaajama ja rautatiepysäkki (ennen asema) Viipuri–Koivisto-radalla Johanneksen kunnassa Viipurin eteläpuolella, nykyisin Venäjälle kuuluvalla Karjalankannaksella. Suomelle kuuluessaan Nuoraa oli Viipurin maalaiskunn...
Tervetuloa Taivalkosken sukututkimusprojektiin! Tämä on sukututkimussivusto Genin Taivalkoski - paikkakuntaprojekti. Projektiin voi liittää Taivalkoskella eläneitä, kuolleita ja vaikuttaneita henkilöitä. Kaikki paikkakunnalla asuneiden henkilöiden historiasta kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita liittymään projektiin yhteistyöntekijöiksi. Seuraamalla projektia saat tietoa muutoksista projektin kes...
Sailed London 17th July 1879 - arrived Wellington 17th October 1879 External passenger list
Ovanåker municipality, Hälsingland, Sweden=Ovanåker municipality is situated in Gävleborg administrative province (X), in the southern part of the Historical Province (Landskap)Hälsingland. The central urban area is Edsbyn. origin lies in the ancient Alfta parish of the Middle Ages, and today's Ovanåker municipality comprises roughly the regions of the medieval Alfta again. The circle is closed...
Please add those to this project ONLY if you find it as the Cause of death on the death certificate. ____ If you do not find the cardiac condition listed in the Cardiac (Heart) & Vascular Health Issues project, please let me know in the Cause of Death Projects needed??? (links to pg 1, then go to the current page.) discussion. ____ Chronic heart disease is a general term for a variety of hear...
List of country music performers (Wikipedia’s alphabetical list of country music performers. It includes artists who played country music at some point in their career, even if they were not exclusively country music performers.)Note: Description section is currently in the works.
H1 is a mitochondrial DNA haplogroup that is very diverse and fairly widespread. It is strongly represented in Europe today although it extends into North Africa and Asia. Members of the H1 haplogroup share a common matrilineal (direct maternal) ancestor, who lived around 9,900 years ago or possibly earlier, most likely in southwest Europe.== Introduction to Mitochondrial DNA and Haplogroups ==...
This is an umbrella project, listing all of the sub-projects on Jews from towns in Bohemia and Moravia in the Czech Republic. Please do not add profiles to this project. Please add them to the appropriate town or community where they lived. Our goal is to set up a project page for each of the towns or communities, and include links to families from those communities on the particular proje...