...ha jól értem a módja a dolognak z, hogy létrehozok egy projektet.... aminek az eredményét össze tudom olvasztani a saját oldalammal.....vgy... az is lehetséges, h így, hogy már a megadott profilok, módosíthatnak is..... próbáljátok meg......Kívánci vagyok.... mit hozunk ki belőle... én is várom, h találkozzunk.....
In mid-1944, the Schutzstaffel (the "SS") established at Mühldorf in Bavaria the Mühldorf camp complex , a satellite system of the Dachau concentration camp to provide labor for an underground installation for the production of the Messerschmitt 262 (Me-262), a jet fighter designed to challenge Allied air superiority over Germany.Between July 1944 and April 1945, when the U.S. Army overran the ...
The purpose of this project is to house all of the profiles of displaced persons or Holocaust Survivors that were residents of the Babenhausen displaced persons camp in Babenhausen , Germany.
The purpose of this project is to collect all of the profiles of the displaced persons or Holocaust Survivors, who were residents of the Bad Reichenhall Displaced Persons Camp in Bad Mergentheim , Germany.
The purpose of this project is to keep track of all of displaced persons or Holocaust Survivors, who were residents of the Berlin-Düppel Displaced Persons Camp. This camp was located in the American sector of West Berlin. Today, Düppel is currently the site of a small lower security prison with about 170 inmates.
The purpose of this project is to keep track of all of the displaced persons or Holocaust Survivors who were residents of the Berlin-Mariendorf Displaced Persons Camp.At the end of Second World War, Mariendorf became a part of the American zone of occupation. In 1946, Mariendorf's Eisenacher Straße was the site of a displaced persons´ camp which housed roughly 3,250 persons until 1948.
The purpose of this project is to track all of the displaced persons or Holocaust Survivors who were residents of the Heidenheim Displaced Persons Camp. This camp was located in Heidenheim , Germany.Heidenheim played an important part also in the textile industry. Flax grown in the Eastern Swabian Alb was used to manufacture linen. The business grew into an industry at the dawn of the 19th cent...
The purpose of this project is to keep track of all of the profiles of the displaced persons or Holocaust Survivors who were residents of the Hersbruck Displaced Persons Camp. This camp was located in Hersbruck , Germany.During the Nazi Regime, Hersbruck was a subsidiary camp of Flossenbürg concentration camp . The camp had about 10,000 prisoners, about 4,000 of them died in Hersbruck.After Wor...
The purpose of this project is to keep track of all of the displaced persons or Holocaust Survivors, who were residents of the Leipheim Displaced Persons Camp. This camp was located in Leipheim , Germany.==History of the camp==With the construction of the railroad section Ulm-Augsburg in 1853, Leipheim gained further economic significance. In 1937, construction of the autobahn A8 and the motorw...
The purpose of this project is to collect all of the profiles of displaced persons or Holocaust Survivors, who were residents of Lindenfels Displaced Persons Camp. This camp was located in Lindenfels , Germany.After the Second World War ended in May 1945, Lindenfels found itself in the American Zone of Occupation. The US military administration built a displaced persons camp to house displaced ...
The purpose of this project is to collect all of the profiles of displaced persons or Holocaust Survivors who were residents of the Trutzhain Displaced Persons Camp. This camp was located in Trutzhain area of the current town of Schwalmstadt , Germany.==History of Trutzhain==During the Second World War, Ziegenhain was home to a prisoner of war camp, Stalag IX-A (one of the French prisoners ther...
Ashley Hall=The Grade II listed Ashley Hall dates from the late 16th century and has been linked to stories of a ghostly White Lady. T Ottway, in his 'News from the invisible world: A collection of remarkable narratives on the certainty of supernatural visitations from the dead to the living (1853)' gives an account of a ghost at a place named Ashley Park. As seen below, John Ingram in 'The Hau...
Niedzwiecki Benedykt , Cecylia Szyłańska, Niedzwiecki Macjej, Teresa Białonos, Golec Adolf, Sonko Anna
The Agustin Bautista Family Tree Project of Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan, Philippines
The Habedanck family originated from the Baltic states. One of my great grandfathers sailed to Holland and married a Duch girl from Velsen. One of their daughters Maria Habedanck married Dirk van Amstel in Alkmaar. They are the great grandparents of Andre Ronald van Amstel. This project is started to try and find more distant relatives from the Habedanck family line.
This project is to search for and preserve memories of our family through old photographs.
This project is an effort to list and connect all of the people interred in Redford Cemetery, Greystones, Wicklow