For Simon Kornweitz
Pulling together an up to date Family Tree for the Tresadern gamily
Identificar a descendência da família no Brasil
This is the page for the Moona family Genealogy.
Genealogical Project for the QUIÑONES family, this project will try to branch a great family tree until you reach the maximum distance in the time of our ancestors and the emerging new, so we can build the most complete pedigree possible.We can buy our Heraldic Certified History, Origin and Royal Coat of Arms in our name []Responsible and creator of this QUIÑONES Project:Boliva...
Détails particuliers de cette traversée Details of this voyage =Voilier de 200 tonneaux commandé par le capitaine Jean Gaudouin.Arrive à Québec à l'été 1644.=Liste des passagers Passenger List =* Jean Doyon
Nolan family, Kilkenny.
Linking all family members
This is about a friends family from my home town. An author, I wish to input the family details known. Nolan
1777-1784 A Loyalist Regiment, raised by Loyalist John Butler.
Looking for the descendants of Ahmad Lawa and Asiah Perang to connect on this Family Tree. Project should be ready with all names of living or dead members before 16 August 2015.
There is a strong connection between sports and military service. This project highlights the soldier athlètes who have worn both a military uniform and an Olympic athlete uniform for Canada. Alied servicemen and service women who were injured in duty began to turn to sport to help their rehabiliation, sparking the Paralympic Games..
. . . . Achtergrond / Background : Wikipedia.... __________________________________________ Ondertekenaars / Signatories Voor de Republiek Barthold van Gendt , heer van Loenen en Meinerswijk Adriaen Pauw , heer van Heemstede (Holland) Johan van Matenesse (Holland) Willem Ripperda (Overijssel) Adriaen Clant tot Stedum (Groningen)
Mannen bak den første fremvisning av fotball på Vålerengen var daværende lektor, senere pastor, og senere også speiderleder Hans Møller Gasmann , som i mangt og meget lå år foran sin tid. 1898 – Det begynte med Spark Det var i midten av september dette året at Gasmann sammenkalte medlemmene av Vaalerengens Ynglingeforening, dvs. KFUM, til fotballmøte i foreningens møtelokale i Ingeborgsgate 8...