Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Mannee familienaam

    Onderzoek naar de herkomst van de familienaam Mannee

  • 't Geslacht PLUUT

    't Geslacht PLUUT

  • Читкан

    Первые упоминания о селе Читкан относятся к ХVII веку. Именно тогда здесь поселились первые поселенцы. Имена и фамилии этих людей точно неизвестны, но их далекие предки живут в нашем селе и до сегодняшнего дня. Местные прозвища Будушка - Михаил Иванович Максимов Модный - Private ...

  • harry fairfield

    born in england wife millicent smith

  • Edmund Rice Descendants - Decuple

    For people who have 10 lines of descent from Edmund Rice.

  • Kheria Family Tree

    Let's put together the Kheria Family Tree. Time to put together a family / extended family legacy together.

  • Jewish families from Klecany (Groß Kletzan), Bohemia, Czech Republic

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Klecany (Groß Kletzan) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.

  • Navn

    í samband við ættarstevnan 2015, er henda ættartavlan gjørd fyri at síggja hvaðani í ættin ein er frá.I forbindelse med slægtsstævnet 2015, er denne slægtstavle lavet for at man kan se hvor i slægten man hører til.In relation to the Familygathering 2015, this ancestry line has been created to assist the family member and to show his/hers relationship.

  • Descendents of the Hamiltons of Waterborough Maine

    Building a data base of people related to David Hamilton Waterborough Maine 1650.

  • Kongstad Family

    All Kongstads worldwide

  • Bowman

    Bowman's of southwest Virginia, northwest North Carolina. Searching specifically for parents and siblings of Thornton Bowman b. 1806 and wife Judith Sawyers b 1810.

  • Gerald H Murray & Margaret Gooderty

    I would like some help identifying antecedents of this couple; Gerald (Jerald) H Murray born Sep 1865 and Margaret Gooderty born in Feb 1868. They have a son John F Murray born in 1898 in Newark, Essex, New Jersey. John was married to Margaret Lord born 1897.

  • Annaghdown, Parish, Galway, Ireland

    Looking to find my family. My father was adopted and I am trying to build a tree on my fathers blood mothers side. Ruth Elizabeth Burke(Holland). Her mother was Mary Burke. See List of known relatives here.... Also there is another public profile for Mary Burke Holland. I am trying to connect to the manager now.. This is also family, just need to put the two together.. You can also search witho...

  • Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal

    The Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal (SVM) is a civil decoration for volunteers in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, introduced in 1995 by the Government of Saskatchewan. Prior to the establishment of the medal volunteerism could be recognized by the Saskatchewan Order of Merit, but this is only one of the fields for which the Order is presented. The medal was established to remedy inadequate ...

71901-71925 of 74279 projects