concerns Stirnet's "MZmisc07" page (link below) indicates that this Beatrix married William Malpas, but Stirnet's "Egerton01" page indicates that they were extramarital paramours. Further research is w...
changes to be made by a curator
Name/Given Name: Cecilia
Name/Surname: de Albini
Name/Birth Surname: de Albini
Name/Display Name: (blank)
Also Known As: Cecily d'Aubigny,Cecily d'Aubigny,Ceci...
Robert de Stockport m.2 Ellen de Malbanc , survived him and remarried John de Montalt.
BE1883 shows John de Montalt as elder brother, and married to widow Elene , then Milisent de Cantilupe.
In 24...
General Notes: TCP notes that Dugdale, citing Glover's Collections, identifies John as the eldest son who married (before 1254) Milicent de Cantilupe and died before 1273, but supports an argument that...
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