Nils Olofsson Tavast
(c.1355 - c.1433)
Hollolan kihlakunnantuomari. Porkkalan kartano, Lammi. Häradsdomare i Hollola. Porkkala gård, Lampis. HUOM! Nils Olofsson Tawastilla oli kaksi vaimoa: (1) N. N. Knutsdotter, josta ei tiedetä kuin että ...
Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
(c.1122 - 1190)
The Peerage * Geneall * Rootsweb * Find a grave
Uncilien, duke of the Alemannians
(c.568 - 613)
Duc d'Alémanie 587-607Uncelin d'Alémanie = Unzelinus d'AlsaceUncelen, Uncelin, or Uncilin (from Latin Uncelenus; died c. 613) was the Duke of Alemannia from 587 to 607. He was appointed to replace Leut...
Turlough O'Brien, High King of Ireland
(c.1009 - 1086)
[ ]
TORDELBACH, son of DOMNALL of Munster & his wife --- ([1008/09]-Cenn Coradh 14 Jul 1086). The Annals of Inisfallen record that "the son of Domnall son of Brian” killed “Ua Donnocáin king of Ara” ...
Johannes Schmidt
(1756 - bef.1826)
Note: I was not able to find him in the DAR public database as a Patriot of the American Revolution. (Faustine Darsey). answer by MMvB~• German volunteers going John/Johannes/johan.. Smith/Schmidt/Schm...
Roger II, 1st Earl of Shropshire
(1022 - 1094)
Roger II 'The Great' de Montgomery==* Son of Roger de Montgomery, I Seigneur de Montgomery and Josceline Tofulus de Turqueville * Earl of Arundel & Shrewsbury, Governor of Normandy* Roger de Montgomery...
William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke
(1146 - 1219)
"William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke (1146 or 1147 – 14 May 1219), also called William the Marshal (Norman French: Williame le Mareschal), was an Anglo-Norman soldier and statesman. He served five En...
Ealhmund, Under King Of Kent
(c.745 - aft.786)
EALHMUND, son of [EAFA & his wife ---] (-after 784, maybe after 801). The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that "rex Ealhmundus" was "in Cantia rex" in...
Kirkkonummi, Finland
💙 Danny is Eric Larsson af Kumo's 15th great grandson.
( Danny & The Islanders: 'East Virginia' (1964)
(Danny: Vain lunta kaikkialla +Lyrics )
Robert d'Oilly, Baron of Hook Norton
(c.1065 - 1142)
Baron of Hook Norton, High Sheriff of Oxfordshire, ordered the building of Oxford Castle. Doomsday Book records that by 1086 he held a number of manors.merged profile held place of death as Eynsham
Judith of Bavaria
(c.805 - 843)
Louis I, The Pious m secondly (Aix-la-Chapelle Feb 819) JUDITH , daughter of WELF [I] Graf [von Altdorf] & his wife Heilwig --- ([805]-Tours 19 Apr 843, bur Tours Saint-Martin). The Annales Xantenses r...
Sveidi Heytirsson, Sea King
content to clean up
"Hvorledes Norge ble bygget", .
Orkney Saga
Random private tree:
I henhold til Orknøyingenes saga går Ragnvalds Mørejarls ætt langt tilbake: «Heite...
Winston Churchill
(1874 - 1965)
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill KG OM CH TD PCc DL FRS RA (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was a British politician, statesman, army officer, and writer, who was Prime Minister of the United ...
Erik Ångerman
(c.1480 - aft.1552)
Viimeisimmät tiedot Erikin ja perheen vaiheistä lähteiden valossa:Genos 2017:1, s. 2-19 - Tiina Miettinen: Sursill-suvun alkupolvet Uumajassa ja Pohjanmaalla.-------------------------------------------...
William George, Sr.
(1760 - aft.1830)
William George was born 18 OCT 1760 in VA, and died AFT 1830 in Cooper Co. Missouri. He married Molly Mercer December 2, 1782. The couple had 7 children. Son of Reuben George ?
Early life Virginia: ...
Ermentrude of Orléans, queen of the Franks
(bef.830 - 869)
CHARLES II “le Chauve
s/o Emperor LOUIS I "le Pieux" & Judith [Welf]
x (Quierzy, Aisne 13 Dec 842, separated 867) ERMENTRUDIS (d/o EUDES Comte [ d’Orléans ] & Engeltrudis ) (27 Sep [830]-Saint-Denis ...
Deborah Wing
(c.1589 - c.1653)
Not the daughter of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of Hampton & Ann Batchelder
Biography Updated 13 February 2025
"Deborah Wing, along with her father, Rev. Stephen Bachiler, and her four sons, John,...
Bertha, Margravine of Tuscany
(863 - 925)
- ) BERTA ([863]-8 Mar 925, bur Lucca, Santa Maria). "Hugo comes et marchio" names "patris mei Teutbaldi et matris meæ Berthe…" in a donation by charter dated 924[67]. "Berte" is also named as mother o...
Adelaide of Tours
(c.819 - 882)
FMG "Alsace" , update 24 Aug 2022
b) ADELAIS (-after 866).
The Miraculis Sancti Germani name " Adheleid " as wife of " Chuonradus princeps ", noting that she was “ primorum et ipsa natalium pe...
Owain ab Afallach
(c.-40 - d.)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, curator)Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediat...
Louis VIII le Lion, roi de France
(1187 - 1226)
From Wikipedia, * Louis VIII of France Louis VIII the Lion King of the Franks and Count of Artois Reign 14 July 1223 – 8 November 1226 Coronation 6 August 1223, Reims Titles Count of Artois (1189–1226)...
Warin II, count in Thurgau and Lobdegau
(c.725 - c.790)
Warin II, count in Thurgau and Lobdegau==* Son of Ruthard der Ältere van Alemannien, de Altere and Odilia (Haildis) Von Elsass Welfen, von Elsass * Warin († May 20, 774 [1] ) was a Frankish nobleman wh...
Leutfrid, duke of the Alemannians
(bef.450 - c.510)
, Leutfried , or Leudefredus was the Duke of Alemannia from 570. He was deposed from his ducal office in 587 by the Frankish king Childebert II and replaced by Uncilin. Alemanni (also Alamanni;[1] Sueb...
Louis VII the Young, king of France
(1120 - 1180)
Please see Medlands: "France, Capetian Kings"
Different birth dates: 9/18/1120 or 8/29/1120
Died: September 18, 1180 [aged 60] Saint-Pont, Allier
Burial: Saint Denis Basilica
 Official White House photo. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Joe_Biden_presidential_portrait.jpg
Joe Biden, 46th President of the USA
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. (born November 20, 1942) is an American politician who is the 46th and current president of the United States. Ideologically a moderate member of the Democratic Party, he pr...
Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל
(c.-566 - c.-510)
1 Chronicles 3:19-20.
Wikipedia: Zerubbabel & זרובבל בן שאלתיאל.
Jewish Encyclopedia (1906): Zerubbabel.
This is Zerubbabel, Governor of Judah. Do not confuse him with the Zerubbabel, ancestor o...
Halfdan "Gamle" Sveidasson
content to clean up Halfdan 'Gamle' Sveidasson, born 0758, died 0834, is mentioned in the Orkney saga:
"Heiti, Gorr’s son, was father of Sveiði the sea-king, the father of Halfdan the old, the father ...
Antti Isotalo
(1831 - 1911)
Antti Heikinpoika Isotalo eli Isoo-Antti (30. elokuuta 1831 Alahärmä – 8. elokuuta 1911 Alahärmä) oli härmäläinen maan-viljelijä ja puukkojunkkari, joka syntyi Alahärmässä, Hanhimäen kylässä. Yhdessä A...
Robert I "the Magnificent", Duke of Normandy
(1000 - 1035)
Robert the Magnificent (French: le Magnifique; 22 June 1000 – 1–3 July 1035) was the duke of Normandy from 1027 until his death in 1035.
Dustin Hoffman
Lee Hoffman (born August 8, 1937) is an American actor with a career in film, television, and theatre since 1960. He has been known for his versatile portrayals of antiheroes and vulnerable characters....
Marju Kuut
(1946 - 2022)
Marju Kuut
Sünninimi Marju Marynel Kuut
Esinejanimed: Marju Kuut, Maryn E. Coote, Marynel E. Coote
Sündinud 12. veebruar 1946 Tallinn
Seotud artistid MERL, Lagle Mäll, Reet Linna, Elle Kalmo
Hnabi, Duke of the Alemannians
(c.710 - c.788)
M. Angel's summary:Relationships:Parents:*Father: Huoching, Alemannian nobleman*Mother: UnknownSiblings:*None noted.Spouse:*Hereswind (Hereswintha, Hereswint)Children:*1. Ruodpert (Robert), Graf im Heg...
Robert de Bruce, 6th Lord of Annandale
(c.1243 - 1304)
ROBERT [VI] de Brus (Jul 1243-c 4 Apr 1304, bur Abbey of Holm Cultram)1295 as Lord of Annandale
s/o ROBERT [V] & Isabel de Clare
x (Turnberry Castle 1271) MARGARET Ctss of Carrick suo iure, widow of ...
Alain "Dapifer" fitz Flaald, Seneschal of Dol
(c.1024 - c.1093)
Alain "Dapifer " (c1024-after 1080), Seneschal of Dol. He is now known to have scion of the seneschals of Brittany, but he was traditionally thought to have been a son of Fleance MacAlpin , Thane of Lo...
George III, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
(1738 - 1820)
Predecessor: George II Successor: George IV ==================================================================================George III (George William Frederick; 4 June 1738– 29 January 1820) was Kin...
Isembart, count in Thurgau
(c.750 - aft.806)
: English Isanbart Des Franken Count von Thurgau-79216 [Parents] was born about 750. He died about 806. He married Thietrade Franks-79217.
James V, King of Scots
(1512 - 1542)
James V Stewart, King of Scots was born on 10 April 1512 in Linlithgow Palace, West Lothian, Scotland and died on 14 December 1542 in Falkland Palace, Fife, Scotland and was buried in Holyrood Abbey, E...
Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom
(1841 - 1910)
mtDNA haplogroup H (16111T, 16357C, 263G, 315.1C)
Duke of Rothesay on 9 November 1841
Duke of Cornwall on 9 November 1841.
1st Earl of Chester [U.K.] on 8 December 1841.3
HRH ...
William Shakespeare, Bard of Avon
(1564 - 1616)
Widely regarded as the greatest writer of all of the English language, William Shakespeare was the son of John Shakespeare, an alderman and a successful glover originally from Snitterfield, and Mary Ar...
Cnut the Great, king of Denmark, England, Norway
(c.995 - 1035)
and the old bones of Cnut the Great: Links * The Peerage
Christian I King of Denmark, Norway and Sweden
(1426 - 1481)
Christian Prince(Prinz) von Oldenburg,
Count(Graf) of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst( as Christian VI) 1440-1448
Duke(Herzog) von Schleswig and Holstein 1460
King of Denmark in 1448.
King of Norway ...
Knight Klas Pedersson Fleming
(c.1360 - c.1427)
Valtaneuvos, laamanni, ritari. Riksråd, lagman, riddare. Fleming-suvun ensimmäinen jäsen Suomessa. V.1386 F. Kallundborgissa Tanskassa tunnustaa saaneensa Margareeta kuningattarelta osan tälle lainaami...
David I, King of Scots
(c.1083 - 1153)
DAVID I King of Scotland.([1080]-Carlisle 24 May 1153, bur Dunfermline Abbey, Fife)
s/o MALCOLM III "Caennmor" & Margaret of England
x MATILDA [Maud] of Huntingdon
MALCOLM (c1115-12 Jun 1152, bur...
Marjorie Bruce, Princess of Scotland
(1296 - 1316)
MARJORIE BRUCE Note about imagery: Though many web sites present this as a portrait of Marjorie Bruce, it isn't. This is the princess from Jost Haller's "St. George Slaying the Dragon," from c. 1445...
Norman Perceval Rockwell
(1894 - 1978)
Norman Perceval Rockwell
Norman Rockwell Musuem
Norman Rockwell Wikipedia Page
Find A Grave Memorial ID # 888
Norman Rockwell illustrated covers for 'The Saturday Evening Post' for 47 years ...
Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia
(1672 - 1725)
Wikipedia: Wikipedia English , RuWiki Русский Peter the Great born 9 June [O.S. 30 May] 1672 – 8 February [O.S. 28 January] 1725) ruled the Tsardom of Russia and later the Russian Empire from 7 May [O....
Leutharis III, duke of the Alemannians
(c.600 - 675)
from Medlands ( 3 Feb 2019 ) Dukes of Alemannia
"The territory of Alemannia was invaded by the Merovingian Franks but was able to preserve semi-autonomy. The dukes of Alemannia were finally vanquishe...
Hermann I, duke of Saxony
(aft.905 - 973)
Hermann Billung, Herzog von Sachsen From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Saxony (covering his birth family): [BILLUNG] . The Chronica Principum Saxoniæ names "vir…nomine Bilingus" as fath...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services
Francis Kennedy, Jr. , (born January 17, 1954) is an American radio host, activist, and attorney specializing in environmental law. He is the son of Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy, Sr., the former Unit...
Edgar I "The Peaceful", King of the English
(943 - 975)
Links:==* The Peerage * Wikipedia * Medlands * King of the English: Reign 1 October 959 – 8 July 975> Predecessor: Eadwig "The Fair" Successor: Edward the Martyr
Sigurd Halfdansson Syr
(c.970 - 1018)
Sigurd Syr Halvdansson
Son of King Halvdan Sigurdson and Tora Ranesdatter
Sigurd Syr Halfdansson (sometimes spelled "Halvdansson") (c. 970-1018) was a petty king in Northern Ostlandet of Norway. Th...
Renée Zellweger
Renée Kathleen Zellweger (born April 25, 1969) is an American actress, producer and voice artist. She first gained widespread attention for her role in the film Jerry Maguire (1996), and subsequentl...
Wikipedia:Freawine, Frowin or Frowinus figures as a governor of Schleswig in Gesta Danorum and in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as an ancestor of the kings of Wessex, but the latter source only tells that ...
Crioda, King of West Saxons
(493 - 541)
Crioda, king of West Saxons
Creoda of Wessex (b. c. 493) is a shadowy figure in early Wessex history, mentioned only in the regnal list in the preface of the Anglo-Saxon chronicle. There he is sta...
Gor Thorrasson, Sea King
(365 - c.418)
content to clean up According to the Orkney saga, Thorri had two sons, Norr and Gor, and a daughter, Goi.
Goi was kidnapped by a Norwegian chieftain, and Gorr and Nor searched for her, eventually conq...
Grand Duke Andrei Alexandrovich Romanov
(1897 - 1981)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Johann the Younger #2331 * Wikipedia
Conrad II "the Younger", Duke of Upper Burgundy
(c.825 - c.876)
- (ENG really small)
CONRAD, son of CONRAD [Welf] Comte de Paris & his wife --- (-876). His parentage is deduced from Regino who names "Ruodolfus filius Chuonradi, nepos Huggonis abbatis"[87], th...
Bertha Broadfoot of Laon, Queen of the Franks
(c.720 - 783)
Info on Find a grave * From the English Wikipedia page on Bertrada of Laon Bertrada of Laon , also called Bertha Broadfoot (cf. latin: Regina pede aucae i.e. the queen with the goose-foot), (710/27 – J...
Olev Annus
Olev Annus (sündinud 26. aprillil 1951 Kohtla-Järvel) on endine Eesti ja Soome kulturist (atleetvõimleja), maailmameister.
Katarina Fincke
(c.1335 - d.)
Ritari Olof Jönsson Tawastin vaimo. Riddare Olof Jönsson Tawasts hustru. 'Knight Olof Jönsson Tawast's wife. HUOM! Olof Jönsson Tawastin vaimon alkuperä ei ole tiedossa. Hänen nimensä oli todennäköises...
King of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus; god of the sky and thunder. Youngest child of the Titans Cronus and Rhea. Symbols include the thunderbolt, eagle, oak tree, scepter and scales. Brother and ...
Crínán of Dunkeld
(c.976 - 1045)
CRINAN "the Thane", son of --- (-killed in battle 1045). Abthane of Dule. Lay abbot of Dunkeld. Steward of the Western Isles. Mormaer of Atholl. He was killed fighting King Macbeth. m (c1000) BETHOC , ...
Tarja Halonen, 11th President of Finland
Tarja Halonen is a Finnish politician who served as the 11th President of Finland, and the first woman to hold the position, from 2000 to 2012. She first rose to prominence as a lawyer with the Central...
Adalbert, margrave of Austria
(c.987 - 1055)
Adalbert the Victorious (died May 26, 1055 in Melk) was Margrave of Austria from 1018 until his death. He extended the eastern border of the then small Ostmark of Bavaria as far as the rivers ...
Bouin of Vienne, count & lay abbot of Gorze
(c.810 - aft.863)
Bivin de Gorze or Bivin de Vienne (c810–863/69) was a Frank from the Bosonid family. He was Count of Ardennes, Count and Lay Abbot of Gorze (855/56-863), and perhaps Count of Metz (842-864). His ancest...
Juho Kusti Paasikivi, 7th President of Finland
(1870 - 1956)
Kunta Kerava. Kylä Ylikerava. Tilan nimi Jukola. Tilannevuosi 1931.Omistaja J. K. Paasikivi , Anna Paasikiv
The seventh President of the Republic of Finland
Suomen tasavallan seitsemäs...
Jarl Birger Magnusson (Folkungaätten)
(c.1210 - 1266)
Archaeological examination of the alleged tomb showed YDNA Haplo group I1 (I-M253) and MtDNA Haplo group H. Source: jarl , död 1266, statsman, enligt traditionen av Folkungaätten, Sveriges styresman 12...
Erik XIV, King of Sweden
(1533 - 1577)
Erik XIV, King of Sweden
Son of King of Sweden Gustav I Eriksson Vasa and Katarina Askanier, Duchess of Saxe-Lauenburg, Queen Consort of Sweden
Birth: December 13, 1533 in Stockholms slott, Stockho...
 By Jappalang - A rendering of the work, en:File:Aethelred family tree.gif, created by en:User:Mike ChristieSources:Kirby, D.P. (1992). The Earliest English Kings. London: Routledge. pp. 93, 95–96, 113–114, 127. ISBN 0-415-09086-5.Yorke, Barbara (1990). Kings and Kingdoms of Early Anglo-Saxon England. London: Seaby. pp. 104, 107–108, 111, 159. ISBN 1-85264-027-8.Swanton, Michael (1996). The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. New York: Routledge. p. 29. ISBN 0-415-92129-5.Roberts, Jane (2001), "Hagiography and Literature: The Case of Guthlac of Crowland", in Brown, Michelle P.; Farr, Carol Ann, Mercia, an Anglo-Saxon kingdom in Europe, New York: Continuum, p. 84, ISBN 0-8264-7765-8, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5666369
Coenred, Co-Ruler of Wessex
(c.644 - c.694)
of Wessex was a member of the House of Wessex and a member of the direct male line from Cynric to Egbert. It is possible that Cenred ruled alongside his son Ine for a period. There is weak evidence for...
P. E. Svinhufvud, 3rd President of Finland
(1861 - 1944)
Sääksmäki - Syntyneet 1849-1874 (TK397-398) Kuva 165, Födde och Döpre barn i Sääksmäki församling.
Pehr Evind Svinhufvud af Qvalstad III was the third President of Finland from 1931 to 1937.
Philip III, "the Bold" king of France
(1245 - 1285)
From Wikipedia, III (30 April 1245 – 5 October 1285), called the Bold (French: le Hardi), was the King of France, succeeding his father, Louis IX, and reigning from 1270 to 1285. He was a member of the...
Lafracoth ingen Muiredaig Ó Brian
(1076 - 1135)
Princess of Ireland ingen Muiredaig de Montgomery (born Ó Briain), 1076-1135 Lafracoth Princess of Ireland ingen Muiredaig de Montgomery (born Ó Briain) was born in 1076, at birth place, to Muirchertac...
Anne Boleyn
(1501 - 1536)
"Anne Boleyn (/ˈbʊlɪn/, /bəˈlɪn/ or /bʊˈlɪn/); (c. 1501 – 19 May 1536) was Queen of England from 1533 to 1536 as the second wife of Henry VIII of England and Marquess of Pembroke in her own right.
Constance d'Arles, Queen consort of the Franks
(c.974 - 1032)
"Constance d'Arles - also known as Constance de Provence [ .. ] fille de Guillaume Ier (c.950-†993) comte d’Arles, et Adélaïde d'Anjou (†1026)"
Charles I, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland
(1600 - 1649)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: English Français Norsk * King of England and Ireland: Reign 27 March 1625 – 30 January 1649 Coronation 2 February 1626
Thomas Hollandsworth, of Patrick County
(aft.1740 - bef.1840)
Not the same as Thomas B. Hollingsworth ; Ann Adams, daughter of George Adams, married Thomas B. Hollingsworth (son of Zebulon Hollingsworth & Mary Jacobs).
Not the same as Thomas Hollingsworth . Tha...
Gediminas, Grand Duke of Lithuania
(c.1255 - c.1341)
GEDIMINAS [Gedymin], son of PUKUVERAS Grand Duke of Lithuania & his wife --- ([1260]-killed in battle [late 1341/early 1342]).
[m firstly WIDA, daughter of WIDMUND.]
[m secondly OLGA Vsevolodovna, da...
(b. - c.796)
His wife
Alchilda Of Northumbria
(736 - 800)
Spouse Eafa OF WESSEX (720 - 796)
Child Ealhmund of Kent (758 - 786)
Daughter Of
Father King Æthelbert II OF KENT (696 - 762)
Mother Bassa (715 - )
Yechiel Yehuda ben Aharon Luria, ABD Brisk
(aft.1430 - 1470)
Luria. A family with wide ramifications and several of whose members were distinguished for mystical tendencies and rabbinical knowledge.Lived in Lvov & Brest-Litovsk, Poland.Av Beith Din Hielburn (Bri...
Judith of Brittany
(aft.982 - 1017)
of Brittany (982–1017) was the daughter of Conan I, Duke of Brittany and Ermengarde of Anjou , and the mother of Robert the Magnificent .She was the first wife of Richard the Good , Duke of Normandy, w...
(c.852 - 905)
Ealhswith was a Mercian princess who married Alfred, Anglo-Saxon king of Wessex. She was never called queen and she never witnessed any charters during Alfred’s administration. But she was the mother o...
 Photo by the British Royal Navy. OGLv3.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:William_Submarines_Crop.png#mw-jump-to-license
William, Prince of Wales
Kensington London, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, England, United Kingdom
HRH Prince William, Prince of Wales K.G. William Arthur Phillip Louis Windsor, Prince of Wales
formally... His Royal Highness Prince William, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall and Cambridge, Royal Kn...
James I, King of Scots
(1394 - 1437)
other possible birth dates;10 December 139430 December 1394=================================================================================="James I, King of Scots (25 July 1394 – 21 February 1437), w...
George VI, King of the United Kingdom
(1895 - 1952)
George VI (Døpt Albert Frederick Arthur George , og endret navnet da han ble konge) was King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth from 11 December 1936 until his death. H...
Ceawlin, king of Wessex
(c.547 - c.593)
Ceawlin (also spelled " Ceaulin " or " Caelin ") (died c. 593) was a Brythonic king of Wessex, in what is now southwestern England. He may have been the son of Cynric of Wessex, and the grandson of Cer...
George V, King of the United Kingdom
(1865 - 1936)
George V ( George Frederick Ernest Albert ) was King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of British Raj India (Never Portuguese Goa), from 6 May 1910 until his death in 1936.
Edmund I "the Magnificent", king of The English
(921 - 946)
Edmund I, the Magnificent, King of England (20ggf)
Name: King Edmund
Born: c.922
Parents: Edward the Elder and Edgiva
Relation to Charles III: 31st great-grandfather
House of: Wessex
Ascended to the th...
Christiern Håkansson Frille
(c.1400 - c.1472)
Äldre svenska frälsesläkter 1:3 s. 227-234.*
Cynan Meriadog ap Gereint, Lord of Meriadog
(c.270 - d.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees; . (Steven Ferry, Aug 25, 2019)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Maxen Wledig and the Welsh Legends; . (Steven Ferry, February 4, ...
Heytir Gorsson, Sea King
brief biography Legendary Scandinavian king, known from a recital of ancestors in "Hversum Noregr Byggdist".
Gor hadde øyene, derfor ble han kalt "sjøkonge". Sønnene hans het Heite og Beite, de var og...
Wigerich, Pfalzgraf von Lothringen
(870 - c.923)
-An other source says his father could be Odoacer von Trier: (Farkas)
Anna Rowley
(1738 - 1799)
Anna Richmond (listed under Richmond, Richman and Richmen) - [dau. of Benjamin and Mary] b. Feb. 8, 1737/8 Lebanon Vital Records Volumn 1, page 269. Anna Richmond Rowley who was born about ...
Thomas Metcalfe, of Nappa
(c.1424 - 1504)
Ann Elizabeth? Cleypoole was not a known daughter of Thomas Metcalfe, of Nappa and Elizabeth Metcalfe
Thomas Metcalfe (courtier)
Thomas Metcalfe was the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster betwee...
Baldwin I "Iron-Arm", 1st Margrave of Flanders
(aft.837 - 879)
Baldwin I , byname Baldwin Iron-arm , French Baudouin Bras-de-fer , Flemish Boudewijn De Ijzere Arm (died 879), the first ruler of Flanders. A daring warrior under Charles II the Bald of France, he fel...
(c.758 - 783)
Hildegard of Vinzgouw
Daughter of Gerold, count in Kraichgau and Anglachgau and Emma, of Alemannia,
Hildegard, 3rd partner & 2nd wife of Charlemagne Birth, Parents & Siblings [Charlemagne] m seco...
Alan fitzFlaald, Sheriff of Shropshire
(1078 - aft.1121)
(born c 1078, died in 1114)
Alan fitz Flaad From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Born Unknown
Probably Dol-de-Bretagne
Died Unknown
Nationality Breton
Richilde of Arles
(c.822 - 883)
Richilde (?) (c825-893), possible daughter of Boso and Engeltrude , married (1) Bouin, King of Provence; and (2) Eckhard, seigneur de Perracy. She held Jully-les-Buxy in the Chaunois after the death of...
Rein Alango
(1947 - 1971)
Rein Alango (14. juuni 1947 – 07. august 1971) oli eesti muusik, pianist ja viiulimängija, ansambli Oomega liige.
Marju Kuut kirjutab / räägib temast kui oma noorena surnud abikaasast siin:
Catharina Hansdotter
(1532 - c.1596)
Karin (Katarina) Hansdotter (1539 - 1596), was the royal mistress of King John III of Sweden in the 1550s before his marriage during his time as Prince and Duke of Finland.
(Although it has been clai...
Risto Ryti, 5th President of Finland
(1889 - 1956)
Huittinen - syntyneet, 1887-1893 (AP) > Sivu 206 39: sivu ???; SSHY: / Viitattu 19.9.2020
Huittinen - rippikirja
- 1884-1893 (AP_I) > Sivu 572 573: sivu ???: Loima, Ryti no 4, Danski, Kivi, Vig...